Abhirup Banerjee

Abhirup Banerjee

passionate Developer. Web3 Aficionado.

passionate Developer. Web3 Aficionado.

passionate Developer. Web3 Aficionado.

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echo %ABout_me%

Hello! I'm Abhirup Banerjee. a passionate Web3 enthusiast and full stack developer with a keen interest in building innovative decentralized applications. With a strong foundation in both front-end and back-end development, I specialize in creating seamless and secure blockchain solutions. My expertise spans smart contract development, decentralized finance (DeFi), and the integration of cutting-edge technologies to bring the decentralized future to life..

cd ./skills_and_frameworks.txt

cd ./

Programming languages

Java, C, C++, Rust, Javascript, Typescript, Python


Anchor Framework, Solana CLI,


Solidity and frameworks like Hardhat, Truffle, ether.js


React, React Native, Vite, Expo, Tailwind, SCSS, NextJS


Node JS, Mongo DB, Express JS


Pandas, Numpy, Matplotlib, Tensorflow

npm install Projects


Verify Articles, Earn rewards.


Contract Generation and Deployment at your fingertips!

Nourish Network

Coming Soon


A Solana based gaming marketplace.

git commit -m "Achievements and hackathons"

Hack4Bengal 3.0

Developed on Avalanche Blockchain

Solana Colosseum

Built XOTalk, an on chain gaming marketplace for Solana

Google Solution Challenge

Reached Top 100 worldwide by building nourish Network.

Smart India Hackathon 2023

Finalist, built a automated railway time dissemination platform

0g Hackathon

Made Kofta on the 0g network.

more to come

coming soon

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Brainstorm with me! Always open to innovation!

Brainstorm with me! Always open to innovation!

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© 2024 Abhirup Banerjee